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Bottomless Not Brunch

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£ 38

We’ve been making and shaking great cocktails at the Clubhouse for 5 years and we love it!

Over the past few years we’ve had some great feedback on how good our drinks menu is and we thought a great way for more people to sample our fantastic drinks offering was to jump on the Bottomless Brunch bandwagon and let you get your fill; 90 minutes of unlimited cocktails!

We had a look around to see what everyone else offers for Bottomless Brunch and we were kind of disappointed with what we found; Woo Woos, Tequila Sunrise, Sex on the Beach; sure they’re all classics and in the right place they can taste great but really they’re just jumped up spirit mixers masquerading as cocktails.

You will enjoy table service in our over 18’s only cocktail lounge area; all hail the Disco Ball.